These hormones regulate metabolism, such as:
-The amount of calorie intake
– Feeling the heat
– Weight regulation
Thyroid nodules
Lumps on the thyroid gland are called thyroid nodules. Most nodules are non-cancerous and do not require any treatment.
However, in some cases, thyroid nodules can produce large amount of hormones that lead to thyroid gland dysfunction.
Symptoms of thyroid nodules:
– Feeling pain in the throat
– Difficulty in swallowing
– Difficulty in breathing
– Causing nervous states, palpitations, excessive sweating
– Fatigue, depression
– Constipation
Diagnosis methods:
– Blood test
– Performing ultrasound and, if necessary, CT scan or nodular scan
– FNA biopsy
Biopsy aims at the accurate diagnosis of the nature lesions, which can be achieved through pathological examination of the biopsied sample. Through accurate diagnosis of the lesion, decisions can be nade on the treatment type. For example, if there is a lesion in the liver, biopsy can determine whether it is malignant or benign. Benign lesions do not usually require further measurements. However, malignant lesions can be treated using radiofrequency waves.
Radiofrequency ablation of thyroid nodules (Radiofrequency ablation)
Thyroid nodules are a common phenomenon in the Iranian population, and their diagnosis rate usually increases significantly by ultrasonography.
Most thyroid nodules are benign, but some of these nodules should be treated for anesthesia reasons, and clinical symptoms such as pain or fear of becoming malignant. The main treatment for benign thyroid nodules is surgery or other medical treatments. However, surgery has its own complications. In addition the improvement of thyroid hormone after inhibiting hormonal treatment of thyroid nodules is still question. Thus, minimally invasion non-surgical procedures such as alcohol injection (ethanol ablation) and laser tissue ablation (ILP) have shown good results.
Radiofrequency ablation is a minimally invasive technique used for the treatment of benign and malignant lesions in many disease. This technique is of interest today because it is easy to use and controls the area. It has recently been used in thyroid nodules for the treatment of cancer recurrence and benign thyroid nodules. Several published studies have proven that radio-frequency ablation is effective in reducing nodule size and the patients clinical problems.
The advantages of this method are no changes in the voice, skin burns, hematoma formation, and damage to the necks vital organs and infection in the patient.
Needle biopsy of thyroid nodules is usually performed after the examination of endocrinologist. However, in cases where these nodules are small or not easily palpable or are placed deep in the thyroid tissue, samples are taken from these nodules using biopsy needles under the guidance of ultrasound.